Did you know you don’t have to give Google all of your Chrromebook user data? Here’s how to create a private replacement for Google services on Chromebooks.
Browsing: Google
Code snippets suggest Microsoft is working testing Minecraft on a Chromebook for users who can’t or don’t want to use the limited Education edition.
A new ChromeOS feature will bring Chromebook privacy indicators to the system level when using your microphone or camera.
“Why does anyone need to spend $1,000 on a Chromebook?” I’ve got an answer to explain why high-end Chromebooks exist.
New Performance Settings are in the works that will add performance boosts for Chromebooks and the Chrome browser. Here are the details.
No more Pixelbook? I’ve owned all five prior Google Chromebooks but I can live in a world without Pixelbooks. You can too.
The ChromeOS 105 release on the Stable Channel is available. Here’s what you need to know, along with features you can try.
After its untimely death in 2013, Google Reader may be resurrected. Is Google Reader coming back with a full Chrome and ChromeOS integration?
After more than 10 years of ChromeOS, native video editing on Chromebooks is near! Here’s a peek at the feature set for this native application.
Recently, I’ve been more productive on an iPad than on my Chromebook due to Focus Modes. I wish ChromeOS Focus Modes existed like on iOS.
Google ChromeOS Flex now supports over 400 certified devices. This sustainability software approach turns PCs and Macs into Chromebooks.